TED is a global conference dedicated to creators and brilliant ideas to be presented to the entire community. In its local version at Future University in Cairo, Eman Wadie Founder of Ignite has given a session on current education methods and problems, and how the use of technology is one of the ways to enhance that experience. The question here is how to raise the level of students so that they can meet the challenges and social developments. The use of the personal computer and tablet is the beginning of these attempts to improve the level of students where they have access to e-books and lectures remotely, and with the emergence of virtual reality technology, which started in the field of entertainment we can be re-direct it in the service of education. This new technology allows students to explore the world and its geography, and to learn about the history that represents in Egypt, for example, a large part of our culture, since virtual reality technology helps to raise students attention and comprehension of new information.